Tricks Insurance Companies Use to Undermine a Claim

After a car accident, the medical bills begin coming in at the same time that you aren’t able to return to work because you are undergoing painful medical procedures and trying to recover from physical and emotional trauma. If the accident was caused by another driver’s careless or reckless actions, you don’t have to be left with the financial consequences of the accident as well as the pain and suffering. In a fault-based car accident state like Texas, a successful car accident claim depends on proving another driver’s liability and recovering compensation from their insurance company. Unfortunately, the insurance company isn’t on your side. Instead, they often protect their profits at your expense. Our Austin car accident lawyers protect your interests against common insurance company tactics that undermine your claim.

Calling Soon After the Accident With a Fast Settlement Offer

If an insurance company knows their policyholder caused the car accident, they may quickly reach out with a settlement offer while you are vulnerable and worried. Unfortunately, this is often a settlement for far less than the full value of your claim. They intentionally make this offer before you even know the full extent of your damages. Accepting an early lowball settlement offer requires signing away the right to file a lawsuit.

Calling on a Recorded Line

The insurance adjuster assigned to your case may warn you that they are calling on a recorded line. Continuing to speak to them gives your implied consent to the recording. Often, insurance adjusters use your casual remarks out of context against you after coming across as warm and concerned. A simple, “I never saw it coming!” could be presented as you admitting that you weren’t looking or were distracted.

Asking You to Sign a Blanket Medical Authorization

It may seem logical that the insurance company needs to review the medical report of your injuries, but if an insurance company asks you to sign a medical authorization, be wary. Often injury victims unknowingly sign a blanket authorization that gives the insurance adjuster permission to access their entire medical history. They do this so they can find a previous injury or preexisting condition they can blame for your pain so they dispute your car accident claim.

Scrutinizing Your Social Media

Posting on social media can be a mistake during the car accident claim process. Insurance adjusters sometimes resort to examining social media accounts to “catch” an injury victim looking fit and healthy. You could be smiling through your pain at your child’s high school graduation and the insurance company could use it against you.

Disputing Your Doctor’s Recommended Medical Treatment

“Doctors know best” but insurance companies try to say that they know better. Often, insurance companies dispute your doctor’s recommended medical care by claiming it’s an unnecessary treatment for your injury. Our personal injury lawyers in Austin, can help ensure your medical needs are prioritized.

Delaying Progress on Your Claim

Finally, insurance companies may ask for redundant paperwork, fail to respond to calls and emails, and endlessly delay making progress on your claim. They do this in the hope that you will finally accept a lowball settlement offer or give up completely. Also, for every day that they retain the amount they owe you in their accounts, it earns interest for them rather than for you.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help My Case?

If you had a serious car accident and you have substantial damages, you shouldn’t face the compensation claim process on your own. Instead, it’s always in your favor to hire an experienced car accident lawyer and then direct all communication with the insurance company to your lawyer. Contact Shaw Cowart, LLP for experienced representation in your Austin car accident case.