What Is Blunt Force Trauma in a Head Injury?
The human brain has protection from a bony outer skull and a layer of cushioning fluid; however, this delicate organ that is the center of all bodily function, thought, and reasoning remains susceptible to injuries and even permanent damage with life-altering effects. Some brain injuries result from a violent shake or jarring that causes…
Is It Ever Too Late to Hire a Texas Car Accident Lawyer?
Car accidents are traumatic experiences and injury victims naturally spend the days and weeks following the accident focused on their painful injuries and sometimes injured loved ones as well. It’s common for car accident victims in Texas to assume the insurance process is on their side—especially when someone else caused the accident—and they’ll get…
Texas Car Seat Laws
Texas takes child safety seriously, especially when children are on the road. Texas families with children must familiarize themselves with the state’s car seat laws not only to ensure they aren’t in violation and at risk of a serious citation but also to give their children the best possible protection during a crash. Ask…
Can You Get a Concussion From Whiplash?
Car accidents happen every day on Texas roads and elsewhere across the United States. Some accidents may seem minor, but even a relatively mild accident that’s little more than a fender-bender can cause tremendous force on the body. Even when traveling at a relatively slow 30mph, a 100-pound motorist becomes a 3,000-pound force in…
Which Lane on the Highway is the Safest?
Driving on a busy highway can be intimidating, especially for inexperienced drivers. Even those who drive daily may feel anxious when faced with high-speed traffic and multiple fast-moving traffic lanes. Most drivers automatically assume the slower-moving right lane of traffic is the safest option for traveling on a multi-lane highway, but is that always…
What to Do If Your Car Is Towed After an Accident In Texas?
The aftermath of a serious car accident is chaotic and confusing. If you’re dealing with injuries or injured family members at the scene of the accident, the last thing on your mind is worrying about what happens to your damaged vehicle. But once the dust settles on an accident, many car accident victims wonder…
What Are the Main Elements of Negligence In An Injury Claim?
Civil courts in states like Texas offer legal recourse for injury victims to recover their damages if the injury was caused by someone else. The word “Damages” refers to the consequences of the injury. In a personal injury case such as a car accident, slip-and-fall injury, or an injury from a defective product, the…
How to Obtain Footage From a Traffic Camera
A car accident is frightening and traumatic, especially if you or someone you love suffers serious injuries. Often, the distress of a car accident in Texas continues long after the initial crash when injury victims find themselves facing the state’s fault-based insurance system. Unlike the few states with no-fault insurance laws requiring all accident…
What to Do If You Are In an Accident With An Uninsured Driver?
Car accidents are shocking and painful, often with long-lasting impacts on the entire family. Car accident survivors may experience difficult medical treatments, a delay in their return to work, and a damaged or totaled vehicle. As overwhelming as this experience may be, some car accident victims find the hits keep coming—because the person who…
Motorcycle Helmet Laws in Texas
A ride on the open roads of Texas is an exhilarating experience. With hundreds of miles of coastal highways, rolling hills and plains, spectacular spring wildflowers, and exceptional scenic views, the Lone Star State is a motorcycle destination that’s welcoming year-round. Unfortunately, the same open-air, two-wheeled design that makes a motorcycle ride so freeing…