Intersection Accidents In Austin

Intersections in Austin are busy and congested. They are also a common site for car accidents. When two or more roads intersect, it requires critical decision-making for motorists, especially in intersections without traffic signals. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, around half of all traffic injuries and a quarter of accident fatalities occur in intersections. Surprisingly, traffic signals offer minimal protection against intersection accidents in Austin or elsewhere. Around one-third of intersection fatalities occur in intersections with traffic lights, a significant portion of which happen due to drivers who run red lights or otherwise disregard traffic signals.

Intersection Accidents In Austin

What are the Most Common Causes of Intersection Accidents In Austin?

Collisions between vehicles are the most common type of car accident. While collisions also occur on major highways and rural roads in places other than intersections, they happen most often when roads cross each other. The most common causes of intersection accidents in Austin and throughout Texas include the following:

  • Failure to yield the right of way
  • Distracted driving
  • Tailgating
  • Running red lights
  • Left turn accidents
  • Aggressive driving
  • Confusing intersection design
  • Inadequate signage
  • Obstructed views
  • Drowsy driving
  • Impaired driving
  • Mechanical failures
  • Inadequate pedestrian crossing infrastructure

Driver negligence, recklessness, and intentional wrongdoing are the most common causes of intersection accidents. Less commonly, a negligent roadway designing agency, road maintenance agency, or the manufacturer of a defective brake system or other mechanical part may be at fault for an intersection accident and liable for damages.

What Types of Accidents Happen in Austin Intersections?

Intersection accidents most often happen in busy urban areas, but may also occur where rural roads intersect. Common types of accidents in Austin include the following:

  • T-bone collisions (angle collisions or broadside accidents)
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Head-on collisions
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Multi-vehicle accidents

Intersection accidents in Austin commonly involve cars, commercial trucks, pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcycles. An Austin motorcycle accident lawyer can help navigate an intersection accident claim an potentially work towards the compensation you deserve.

Proving Liability for an Intersection Accident In Austin

Most intersection accidents directly result from driver error. Under the fault-based insurance laws in Texas, a car accident victim must prove another driver’s fault to recover compensation. Proving fault requires evidence showing that the driver had a duty to take reasonable actions to avoid causing an injury, they breached this duty of care by negligent actions, their negligent breach of duty caused the injury, and the injury victim suffered economic and non-economic damages from the injury.

Damages in intersection accidents commonly include medical costs, lost earnings, compensation for pain and suffering, and sometimes other non-economic damages that apply, such as disfigurement, the loss of one of the senses, or diminished quality of life due to disability from the injury. If an intersection accident results in a fatality, close family members can recover compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit.

How Can the Intersection Accident Lawyers at Shaw Cowart Help?

Insurance companies require compelling evidence of liability in fault-based car accident states like Texas. For example, while it may seem that the driver who hits another car broadside in an intersection is at fault, what if the vehicle that was already in the intersection did not have the right of way?

Call the car accident attorneys in Austin at Shaw Cowart, LLP so we can investigate the accident, document compelling evidence in your case, and carefully calculate your damages to maximize your financial recovery while you focus on your physical recovery.